• A Breathing Anchor for Your Wandering Mind
  • Breathe Away Anxious Thoughts
  • Deep Breathing
  • Easing the Mind
  • Focused Attention to Settle the Mind
  • Guided Visualization
  • Mindful Media
  • Mindfulness for Anxiety and Stress
  • Noting Thoughts to See Where the Mind Is
  • Re-relaxing the Drifting Mind with a Home Base
  • Relieving Stress With SBNRR
  • Simply Stopping
  • Stilling the Mind
  • Visualization of a Beach for Well-Being
  • Alleviate Stress with Three Deep Breaths
  • Breathing for Medium Amounts of Stress
  • Dropping the Suitcases of Worries and Regrets
  • Extending the Exhale
  • For Chaotic Times, Guided Meditation
  • Immersing Your Awareness into the Breath
  • Notice and Accept Your Body in the Present Moment
  • Noting, Thinking or Feeling
  • Relieving Low Amounts of Stress
  • Resolving Internal Conflict
  • Soft Belly Breathing
  • Stress Relief with Breathing
  • Visualization Stress as a Storm