• Alleviate Depression
  • Alleviate Your Feeling of Loneliness
  • Being Mindful and Present with Negative Emotions
  • Clarity of Your Emotion
  • Dealing with Negative Thoughts
  • Four Stages of Meditation, Guided Meditation Script
  • Noting Your Judgments
  • Recognizing Your Resilience to Difficulty
  • Reducing Depression with Someone Else's Love
  • Releasing the Pressure of Emotions
  • Staying with Emotions, Guided Meditation
  • Understanding Your Emotions
  • When You Just Can't Meditate, Guided Meditation
  • Alleviate Feelings of Anger and Resentment
  • Attending to Emotional, Mental or External Difficulties
  • Build Resilience to Your Response to Anger
  • Classic Five Hindrances, Guided Meditation Script
  • Emotion as the Object of Focus
  • Naming the Feelings, Guided Meditation
  • Observe Judging with Awareness
  • Reduce Envy and Celebrate Others
  • Releasing Grief and Bringing in the Positive
  • Rewriting Your Bad Day
  • Stopping Obsessive Thoughts About the Past
  • Using R.A.I.N. for Difficult Emotions and Thoughts
  • When Your Mind Wanders