Compassion, Love, & Forgiveness
- A Break for Self-Compassion
- Affectionate Breathing
- Awareness of People Just Like You
- Awareness of What You Like About Yourself
- Breathing In Compassion for Self and Breathing Out Compassion for Others
- Compassion - Four Infinite Thoughts
- Compassion for Your Whole Body
- Daily Practices for Love and Happiness
- Forgiving Meditation
- Giving Kindness to Your Mind and Thoughts
- Giving Yourself Care Through Physical Touch
- Giving Yourself Compassion for a Difficult Situation
- Giving Yourself Compassion for Failures and Mistakes
- Giving Yourself Love and Kindness
- In Depth Practice for Self-Compassion
- Letting Go of Resentments by Forgiving Faults
- Loving Kindness
- Ordinary Kindness
- Receiving Care for Yourself and Giving Care to Others
- Recognition and Care for Those Who Frustrate You
- Recognizing What You Need
- Reflecting on Self-Compassion
- Seeing Other People as Human Beings Rather Than Labels
- Self-Love Meditation
- Steps to Self-Soothe
- Visualizing Receiving Love and Care
- Wishing Ourselves and Others Well
- Wishing Well Being for Ourselves and Others
Relaxation, Presence, Happiness, & Acceptance
- 5 Minutes to Regain Calm, Clarity, and Confidence
- 5-Minute Simply Breathing Meditation
- Awareness in Three Parts
- Awareness of the Changing World
- Awareness of Using Social Media
- Awareness of Your Problem Without Fixing it
- Awareness When You Are Killing Time
- Become Aware then Focus and Expand Awareness
- Breathing and Noting
- Bringing Your Mind Back from Thoughts
- Bringing Yourself into the Present Moment
- Building Abilities to Communicate, Have Patience and Manage Time
- Cultivating a Stable Mind
- Experience Your Mind Like an Ocean
- Feeling Tones- Pleasant, Unpleasant, Neutral
- Feeling Your Body and Mind as a Lake
- Finding the Breath
- Focusing on Your Happy Baby
- Focusing Your Attention Using Breath
- Gladdening the Mind
- Growing Happiness in the Mind
- Intention to be Happy
- Laying Down Meditation and Visualizing a Lake
- Mindfulness of Breath
- Mindfulness of the Present Moment Without Any Goals
- Mindfulness While Waiting in Line
- Noticing What Brings You Joy
- Noting Without Identifying
- One Complete Cycle of Breath
- Open Awareness, Focus on the Breath
- Opening Your Awareness to Whatever is Arising
- Pleasant vs Unpleasant
- Several Meditations in 1
- The Practice of Smiling
- Three Mindful Breaths (Extended)
- Three Mindful Breaths
- Two Minutes of Mindful Breathing (Extended)
- Using a Trigger for Mindfulness
- Using the Power of Your Mind
- Visiting Your Safe Place
- Visualizing Your Day as You Wake Up
- Visualizing Your Peaceful and Beautiful Place
- What is Open Awareness?
- Whole Body Breathing
Mindfulness of Emotions & Thoughts
- Alleviate Depression
- Alleviate Feelings of Anger and Resentment
- Alleviate Your Feeling of Loneliness
- Attending to Emotional, Mental or External Difficulties
- Being Mindful and Present with Negative Emotions
- Build Resilience to Your Response to Anger
- Clarity of Your Emotion
- Dealing with Negative Thoughts
- Emotion as the Object of Focus
- Noting Your Judgments
- Observe Judging with Awareness
- Recognizing Your Resilience to Difficulty
- Reduce Envy and Celebrate Others
- Reducing Depression with Someone Else's Love
- Releasing Grief and Bringing in the Positive
- Releasing the Pressure of Emotions
- Rewriting Your Bad Day
- Stopping Obsessive Thoughts About the Past
- Understanding Your Emotions
- Using R.A.I.N for Difficult Emotions and Thoughts
- When Your Mind Wanders
Leadership, Confidence, Focus, & Energy
- Becoming Motivated
- Boosting Your Brainwaves
- Bringing Energy and Alertness to Your Mind
- Building Confidence for Social Settings and Meeting New People
- Concentrating Your Mind
- Exploring Yourself as a Leader
- Feeling Strong and Confident
- Financial Abundance
- Focus - Extreme Concentration
- Focus and Eliminating Distractions
- Focused Attention and Concentration
- Focusing on Healthy Food Choices
- Get Better at Feeling and Noticing
- Learning How to Focus by Focusing on the Details of the Day
- Motivation When You are Unmotivated
- Restoring Confidence When Negatively Impacted
- Setting Goals and Accomplishing Them
- The Importance of Daily Practice
Sensory, Body Scan, & Movement
- Awareness of Each of the Five Senses
- Awareness of 4 Elements - Earth, Air, Water and Fire
- Awareness of Smell While Walking
- Awareness of the Body's Points of Contact
- Awareness When Walking
- Body Appreciation Meditation
- Body Awareness and Where It Is
- Body Scan with Liquid Sunlight
- Body Scan, Advanced
- Body Scan, Guided Meditation Script
- Body Scan, Intermediate
- Breathing and Meditating for Self-Healing
- Breathing While Touching Your Fingers
- Bringing Awareness to the Entire Body
- Calming the Body
- Concentrating on Breath, Sound, and Sight
- Earth Element
- Feeling Your Feet Throughout the Day
- Focusing on the Colors You See
- Grounding Body Scan
- Grounding Through Body Awareness
- Mindful Bathing
- Mindful Body
- Mindful Cleaning
- Mindful Cooking
- Mindful Journaling
- Mindful of Your Food and Eating
- Mindfulness of Doing the Dishes
- Mindfulness When You Drive
- Noticing Movement Through Breath
- Ocean Mind
- Open Awareness for Thoughts and Senses
- Sense of Sound
- Settling Your Mind by Picturing Your Body as a Bowl
- Shopping Mindfully
- Short Body Scan
- The Rhythm of the Breath Flowing Through the Body
- Using Sounds as the Object of Your Awareness
- Walking Meditation
Family, Kids, & Relationships
- Being Present For Your Baby
- Connecting with Your Baby
- Focusing on Pregnancy and Motherhood
- Gratitude for Pregnancy
- Listening and Speaking with a Partner
- Mindfulness for Kids
- Mindfulness While Speaking with Others
- Reflecting on a Role Model
- Teen Meditation to Believe in Yourself
Addiction, Trauma, & Healing
- Cultivating a Sense of Agency to Overcome Trauma
- Dealing with Addiction
- Focusing on Being a Healthy Person
- Relax, Accept, Break Habits, Learn and Be Happy
- Visualizing a Fountain for Healing
- Working with Attachment and Addiction
Consciousness, Higher Self, & Wisdom
- Higher Self Meditation
- Imagining Your Inner Land to Build Healthy Boundaries
- Imagining Your Tree of Knowledge
- Infinite Awareness
- Manifestation Meditation
- Mental Subtractions of Positive Events
- Mindfulness While Being Creative
- Reflecting on a Positive Future
- Reflecting on What Connected You
- Starting Your Day with Mindfulness
- What The World Needs
- Your Future Potential