There weren’t any curriculums like this available to me when I first started as a mindfulness and meditation teacher.
But believe me, if I knew about a program like this, where I could get a complete, 10-week, brandable mindfulness and meditation curriculum that was evidence-based, and created by a world-class teacher...
I would have purchased it IMMEDIATELY.
It’s just SO VALUABLE to be able to start teaching immediately with a proven, highly-effective curriculum...
And it’s SO VALUABLE to be able to save the time that it would take to create your own curriculum — in this case, it literally took me 270 hours!
And it’s SO VALUABLE to use a teaching system that instantly gives you credibility as a mindfulness and meditation teacher, AND instantly gives you much more confidence while you’re teaching, and as a teacher in general.
So, for all these reasons, and many more that we’ve discussed on this page...
I would have definitely purchased curriculums like these if they’d been available to me...
And honestly, I would’ve paid twice or three times as much as the prices being offered here, for these Curriculums.
That’s how valuable they are.
And at these deeply discounted prices, if you only got a few new clients or patients... it would pay for everything I'm offering here.
Of course, you’re welcome to spend the time, money, and effort to create your own curriculums. It can be a rewarding experience...
But I know from experience that it’s a LOT harder and a LOT more time-consuming than most people think, to create your own curriculum.
For example... if you decided to make your own world class curriculum, and it took you 270 hours to create it like it did for me, at the discounted prices on this page...
That comes out to around $5 an hour to outsource all of that legwork to me.
And I just think there are a lot more valuable uses for your time... like improving your skills, growing your business, and most importantly... helping more people to learn about, understand, and use mindfulness and meditation, so they can improve their lives.
So, I invite you to take advantage of this RARE OPPORTUNITY.
I don’t know of any other teacher who is offering similar curriculums that are completely plug-and-play, evidence-based, fully brandable and customizable, and designed specifically for adults and teenagers.
Don’t miss this chance to take a MUCH EASIER path than I did...
And get a HUGE head start in your career as a mindfulness and meditation teacher (or a BIG boost to your existing practice or business).
If you have any questions whatsoever — if you're still not sure HOW the curriculum works — or if you're not sure if it will work for YOU — please don't hesitate to reach out to me and we can talk about it.
Thank you for your time.