, Mindful Marketing Webinar Registration
, Mindful Marketing Webinar Registration

Live on Thursday, April 4th @ 12pm PST

How to Increase Your Impact & Income Teaching Mindfulness

Learn how to get more clients or students for your business using a mindful approach to promoting your offerings.  

Whether you’re a mindfulness teacher looking to get more sign-ups for your classes, a service provider looking to gain new clients, or a heart-centered business owner, you’ll gain proven and mindful techniques to maximize your reach, impact, and income while doing the work that you love.

Register using the form on the right to get more clients, students, or bookings for your services.

Register using the form below to get more clients, students, or bookings for your services.

Fill out the form below to register now:

*Limited to the first 50 people.

, Mindful Marketing Webinar Registration
, Mindful Marketing Webinar Registration
, Mindful Marketing Webinar Registration
, Mindful Marketing Webinar Registration
, Mindful Marketing Webinar Registration
, Mindful Marketing Webinar Registration

Marketing strategies for those who care about making a positive impact

, Mindful Marketing Webinar Registration

Increase sales using the psychology of persuasion for good

No need to use sleazy marketing tactics to get people to sign up for your services. Instead, learn how to leverage the science of consumer behavior to provide true value and make a positive impact while promoting your offerings.

, Mindful Marketing Webinar Registration

Overcome impostor syndrome and resistance to marketing

Learn mindfulness practices to break through impostor syndrome and the most common types of resistance to promoting your services. Feel confident making more money while sharing your wisdom so you can touch more lives and leave your mark on the world.

, Mindful Marketing Webinar Registration

Reach more people and save time on your marketing

Use our simple 3-step Mindful Marketing framework to reduce wasted efforts and fill gaps in your marketing so you can get more sign-ups for your offerings without spending so much time in front of the computer.

Plus get your marketing questions answered live by Simona and Sean to help you start reaching more people right away!

Fill out the form below to register now:

*Limited to the first 50 people.

, Mindful Marketing Webinar Registration
, Mindful Marketing Webinar Registration
, Mindful Marketing Webinar Registration
, Mindful Marketing Webinar Registration
, Mindful Marketing Webinar Registration

Who You'll be Learning from

, Mindful Marketing Webinar Registration

Simona Ondrejkova

Mindful marketing expert and founder of Mindful Copy Agency

Through innovative marketing strategies and copywriting services, Simona has helped hundreds of mindfulness teachers, small business owners, and several large corporations reach wider audiences and increase sales with effective copy and marketing strategies.

Simona believes in using business and marketing for good and is passionate about sharing mindful marketing techniques with those who want to make a positive impact in the world through their work.

, Mindful Marketing Webinar Registration

Sean Fargo

Founder of Mindfulness Exercises and former Buddhist monk

After working alongside mindfulness pioneers such as Jack Kornfield, Tara Brach, Joseph Goldstein and Sharon Salzberg, Sean has taught mindfulness and meditation to corporations including Tesla, Kaiser Permanente, Facebook, Ernst & Young, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

In 2014, Sean founded Mindfulness Exercises which has since then helped millions of people cultivate and expand their mindfulness practice through free and premium resources.

*Replay will be available to registrants for up to three days after the live webinar.*

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